Fire consulting for the built environment.  Covering both fire safety and fire protection including:


Design of the building and building systems

The design phase ensures that our clients receive cost-effective, efficiently-implemented and practical fire protection solutions characterised by innovation and thoroughness. Our use of new technologies, based on proven standard solutions, ensures that our designs work first time. Our comprehensive design documentation encompasses all statutory compliance, which allows for immediate implementation. Our communication processes ensure that stakeholder roles are identified and perceptions are aligned from the beginning. This reduces construction time and eliminates unnecessary delays. The stage of our process involves the following:

Your documentation is of excellent quality and achieves our intentions of reduced maintenance whilst ensuring that risks are not increased.
— Rob Jorgensen, CityLink

Implementation of design in a construction phase

Completing a design and communicating an idea is crucial to the next step, implementation.

The implementation phase is characterised by

  • Communication,

  • Detailed tender documentation,

  • Avoidance of repetition,

  • Compliance,

  • Efficiency and environmental acceptability.

In short, expert project management. Our tenders are transparent and thorough, providing you with an opportunity to compare relative costs in an accurate manner. Technicians and contractors are able to approve outcomes based on clear and detailed documentation. IFS uses its expertise to manage impairments and reduce fire risk exposure during isolation of essential services. Works are actively inspected by IFS staff during the course of a project to ensure non-compliance is reduced and costly errors eliminated. Our consultation processes ensure that a project is absolutely ready for inspection by certifiers and inspectors upon completion, and that any design changes and variations along the way are well-informed and, if necessary, approved by the relevant authorities. IFS experience in environmental management means all fire services function in an environmentally acceptable manner. The client experiences lower false alarm rates, lower water usage and longer equipment life expectancy. 

Maintaining operational readiness after building works are completed

The life cycle of a building is often decades and essential safety measures are to be maintained to ensure operational readiness. You will benefit from engaging Integrated Fire services during the operational readiness phase by gaining a greater understanding of the operation and ongoing requirements of their fire services; better decision making and setting of priorities when dealing with the performance of essential safety measures; receiving documents that enable you to complete your obligations without any gaps in the scope, and demonstrate statutory compliance in essential safety measures.

We specialise in operational readiness for fire services providing owners and managers with:

  • Assessment and auditing of installed systems

  • Fine tuning of water supplies for water efficiency

  • Documentation of key essential safety measures

  • Advice on checking, testing and maintenance

Download our capability statement for more details.

It has been my pleasure to meet with both David and yourself whose knowledge and experience enable you to think outside the square to achieve a result.
— Rob Saunders | Project Managment Services | MMM
This note is just to thank you all for your efforts through the Linear Heat Detection project and the great result of successfully commissioning these systems. I really appreciate the combined team effort from the various contracting and TU parties over a long duration to get this result. As a critical safety system and a complex multi-faceted, multi-contractor project to manage, the result is a credit to you all.
— Rob Jørgensen Reliability & Electrical Engineer Asset Strategy and Planning - Vic Business Transurban